
Sunday 26 February 2012

Banana Pupcakes with Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting

No, it's not a typo...I actually do mean Pupcakes (Cupcakes for Puppies)!

Whether it is baking with friends or alone, my home kitchen has always been my favorite place to bake. Not only is it convenient to know where every pan and ingredient is, I also pretty much never have to sweep! I have a very diligent helper every time I enter the kitchen. He has always been on top of it and taking care of any yummy crumbs that may make its way to the floor. But as he is getting older now, my elderly dog doesn't have the energy to patrol the kitchen grounds, so I have dedicated a whole batch of cupcakes just for him. He has probably waited his whole life for the chance to have all the cupcakes to himself! Meet my newest experiment, the pupcakes!

They are made with all natural ingredients with no added artificial flavoring, coloring or preservatives, should most definitely safe for your beloved puppy. The only note is that many dogs may be lactose intolerant, so they may not react well to the milk or cream cheese in these. But other than that, these would make as great occasional treats for the pup!

Banana Cupcake (adapted from The Poop Pantry)
2 cups Water
2 Bananas (mashed)
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups Flour
1 tbsp Baking Powder
1 Egg
2 tbsp Honey

1) Heat oven to 350 degrees.
2) In a medium bowl, blend flour and baking powder together.
3) In a large bowl, combine egg, honey, and vanilla. Mix well.
4) Add mashed banana in with the egg combination.
5) Add flour mixture and water into the large bowl, alternating a couple times, beat just until all ingredients arr fully incorporated.
6) Bake for 20 minutes or until inserting a toothpick that comes out without sticking.

Note: I think because of the honey, the cake stuck onto regular cupcake liners like glue. So I would recommend using silicon liners or pans. I poured mine into mini cupcake pans because regular sized cupcakes for my little 6 lb. pup would be way too much!

Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting
1/2 cup Lowfat Cream Cheese, at room temperature
1/4 cup Peanut Butter

Whip the cream cheese and peanut butter together until light and fluffy. Pipe the frosting on cooled cupcakes.

Unfortunately I cannot give you the recipe to the cute little heart shaped dog treats on top of the pupcakes because they were store bought. Just some random ones I found lying around the house in the treats cupboard! But some sweet things to decorate with would be melted carob drizzled on top for a chocolatey flavor!

Hope your pup enjoys these, I know mine sure did!

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