
Sunday 26 February 2012

Matcha Chiffon Cake with Whipped Azuki Bean Filling and Cream Cheese Frosting

Tea Time!
This weekend, I baked...a lot. It all started when my mom asked me what kind of Asian I am when I repetitively declined her offers of green tea ice cream back at home. I also noticed that everytime my family and friends went to Japanese restaurants, they would for sure order green tea ice cream for dessert. I quickly realized that I may be an exception in being the only one that did not enjoy this ridiculously popular flavor amongst my culture. And then not so quickly...I caved, I finally gave into the multiple requests I was getting to make a matcha flavored cake. So here it is, my very own matcha chiffon cake with whipped azuki bean filling and iced with a light cream cheese frosting!

Green Tea Chiffon Cake
(Makes one of the two 10-inch layers)
3 Egg yolks
1/3 cup Sugar
1/4 cup Vegetable oil
1/4 cup Water
3/4 cup Cake Flour - Sifted
1/8 cup Matcha (Green Tea powder) - Sifted
4 Egg whites

1) Preheat oven to 350F
2) Beat egg yolks, 1/3 of the sugar, oil and water together
3) Pour in sifted flour and matcha, beat until totally incorporated
4) In another bowl, whip the egg whites until foamy. Pour in half the remaining sugar and beat for 2 minutes. Add in the rest of the sugar and beat until soft peaks form.
5) Place 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the flour mixture. Use a whisk to quickly mix everything together.
6) Add the rest of the egg whites, incorporate gently but quickly until well blended. Spatula is recommended in order to gently fold the mixture.
7) Pour batter into lightly greased cake tin
8) Bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.


Whipped Azuki Bean Filling
1/2 cup Azuki Bean Paste
1/2 cup Icing Sugar
1/2 cup Whipping Cream

1) Combine Azuki Bean Paste and Icing Sugar in a large bowl
2) In a sepearte bowl, whip cream until soft peaks form
3) Fold whipped cream into bean mixture

Light Cream Cheese Frosting
3 cups Icing Sugar
4 tbsp Whipping Cream
1 cup Unsalted Butter (softened)
1 tbsp Vanilla
4 oz Cream Cheese (cold)

1) Beat butter and cream cheese in a large bowl until creamy
2) Add whipping cream and beat on medium-high speed for a couple minutes until fluffy
3) Slowly add in vanilla and icing sugar, beat until fully incorporated

I tinted the icing to a light green hue, to go with the matcha theme. After stacking the two cakes together with the azuki filling in between, spread a thin layer of frosting just to cover the entire cake. Put the rest in a piping bag and use a Wilton 2D tip to make rose swirls all over the cake. If there are gaps between roses, add a curved swipe or overlap with another rose swirl. For a simple turorial on how to make those rose swirls, you can check out this youtube video I found that shows the technique on a cupcake! Rose Swirl Technique Video

Done! A sense of accomplishment and more in touch with my culture ;)


  1. Looks so good, I want one!
    What Culture are you? Im guessing Phillipino?
